3 Fat Loss Supplements!
If you’re looking for a magic pill to lose fat then this is not the right post for you. That pill does not exist and if it did you wouldn’t be here reading this.
If it did we would all look like:
For Fat Loss?
Caffeine increases the calories burned part of the fat loss equation, it decreases hunger, improves mood and helps performance in the gym. Overall it helps you burn more calories and stick to a diet. It can be a great tool to use.
What is it?
A natural stimulant found in coffee and tea. Stimulates the brain and nervous system keeping you alert.
Why use it?
It temporarily boosts metabolic functions so can increase the calories out part of fat loss equation. It can also decrease appetite which is great towards the end of a diet phase. It can improve your mood and cognitive functions which affect your overall adherence. Caffeine also helps mobilise fatty acids to later be transferred into muscle and used as energy.
When to use it?
Whenever you usually need a boost. Pre-workout caffeine can help your performance when training (decreased pain perception and increased strength). Before a HIIT session the decreased pain perception would be useful.
How to use it?
200mg-600mg is an effective dose (average cup of coffee has 60mg). If you consistently have caffeine it has less effect on you. You could cycle off caffeine for a week to sensitise receptors back to it.
Whey protein powder:
For Fat Loss?
Protein powders make it easier hit your daily amount of protein and have a full spectrum of amino acids. This helps towards increasing muscle protein synthesis which is important in preserving lean muscle mass. By preserving muscle mass, you burn calories at a higher rate (muscle is expensive tissue calories wise).
What is it?
Simply a great source of protein (if your stomach can handle it). They are a complete source of protein as they contain the full spectrum of amino acids.
Why use it?
It makes it easier to hit your daily target of protein. If you have a busy lifestyle/day a protein shake takes 2 minutes to prepare, comes in a ton of different flavors and can be an addition to other smoothies.
When to use it?
Whenever is convenient for you. I will usually have 2 scoops whilst at work to help hit my daily amount of protein. There is no magic time to use a shake.
How to use it?
A scoop of protein powder can be used for tons of different recipes. I’ve used it to make ice cream, pancakes, mousses and smoothies. You tube has tutorials for different recipes. In a dieting phase getting creative with protein powders can help with cravings.
Creatine Monohydrate:
For Fat Loss?
Creatine can help performance in the gym so you can perform more reps with a given weight. In a dieting phase this helps retain or even build muscle. By preserving muscle mass, you burn calories at a higher rate (muscle is expensive tissue calories wise).
What is it?
Creatine is naturally produced in the body and is stored in muscle tissue (mostly). Creatine is used to help replenish ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) which is a chemical in your body that provides energy for pretty much everything.
Why use it?
Exogenous creatine can help increase the amount of creatine stored in muscle. This helps replenish ATP quicker and more often.
When to use it?
Again, whenever is most convenient for you. There is some evidence that creatine uptake is increased when mixed with carbohydrates, so it could be beneficial to consume with a carb based meal/drink. There is also some evidence that taking it after training can also be beneficial to cell saturation (muscle swelling so increased blood/ nutrient delivery to muscle).
How to use it?
You can load creatine at a higher dosage (20g per day for 7 days) then taper off to 5g per day or you can take 5g per day. Eventually both options will help saturation in cells however I have felt more of a benefit when loading with 20g per day in terms of quicker saturation.