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Lower Body Workout

Pre workout stretches/activation:

-Single leg calf raises 5 seconds bottom position stretch

-Stride with hip external rotation

-Stride with spine external rotation



A1) Low Bar Squat - First 2 sets focus on sitting in the hole then explode out - Next 2 sets keep tension constant with no pause in the bottom position. 6-8 reps go heavy. 4 sets.

A2) Box Jumps - Using Post activation potentiation. You will Jump higher as squatted heavy prior to this increasing rate of force developed. 5 Reps max. Take time in between each jump going for max force not quick reps. 5 reps. 4 sets.

B1) Low walking lunge - 4 sets. 8 reps each leg.

B2) Front lunge - 4 sets. 6 to 8 reps each leg. low lunges should have your quads firing already so use a decent weight and push hard off the heel of your front foot when lunging.

C) Standing calf raise(soleus) - Keep your knee bent.focus on range of motion pause at the bottom for 2 seconds. Spread and push off your toes. 4 sets. 10 to 12 reps.

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