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What is Reverse Dieting?

Reverse Dieting is the process of slowly increasing calories following a significant period of time spent in a calorie deficit. Who is it useful for? Ideally anyone who has been in a calorie deficit for quite a while or anyone whose metabolism has stalled.

When restricting calories to lose weight your metabolism will down regulate itself in order to help your body survive. This is why the further you go into a restrictive diet the harder it gets and the more calories you have to slash or activity you must increase to see further weight loss. This can lead to some problems in the long run.



“Jack’s current basal metabolic rate (BMR: How much energy he uses per day at rest) is 1800cal and he begins a diet consuming 1500cal per day he will lose weight as he is in a calorie deficit of 300cal.

He continues this for a long period of time and now his metabolism has adapted and lowered.

Now that his body has adapted, his BMR has decreased to 1400cal per day but as he is consuming 1500cal per day he will gain weight (surplus of 100cal per day).

His choices at this point are to cut more calories or increase the amount he exercises to progress any further eventually leading to a lowered metabolic rate.”


What steps can you take?

Slowly increase calories, slowly decrease your activity levels and the bulk of your time in the gym should focus around strength training to help increase metabolic rate.

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