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Training/Nutrition Focus

This guide has many similarities with the training guide for weight loss. The guide is on Training and nutrition as a whole. Below are my guidelines to gain muscle.

  • First thing is to protect yourself! By this I mean learn the big lifts with proper technique. Think of it this way; if you wanted to fix your car would you hire a mechanic? or google the problem, buy spare parts, risk further damage and then in the end hire a mechanic anyway?...Avoid overall damage and learn proper technique!


  • Thorough warm ups are going to be essential as you will be lifting heavy loads. Full Body workouts again are the most effective due to frequent muscle stimulation.


  • Train within a variety of rep ranges:

  • 2-3 reps: Strength/small hypertrophy(size)

  • 4-5 reps: Still more strength than hypertrophy

  • 6-8 reps: Strength/hypertrophy

  • 9-12 reps: More hypertrophy than strength

  • 13-15 reps: Strength endurance/some hypertrophy

  • 16-20 reps: Strength endurance / small hypertrophy


  • Phase in and out of training rep ranges and don't be afraid to lift heavy! Look at the muscle bound dudes at the gym, how much are they lifting?

  • Start phasing you workouts. For example use hypertrophy rep ranges first then a strength training phase. Following this adaptation, phase hypertrophy again where you will find you are able to use heavier weights than the first hypertrophy phase and for the same amount of reps which leads to growth.


  • Increase Frequency and volume over time to grow! This is the main piece of advice; ensure that you are progressing over time! More reps/sets and ensure that you are training the big lifts for lower body at least twice a week (increases testosterone and growth factors leading to overall growth).


  •  Increase Time under tension (will depend on rep range). You are strongest in the eccentric (lowering) portion of a lift so increase the amount of tension at this point and you will cause further muscle damage (leads to muscle repair and growth). This will lead to soreness/more soreness.


  • FOOD: As you are in a unique position (lose weight and gain muscle) if you struggle to put on any size then you need to make sure you are in an energy surplus. Running around playing sports all day and not countering this with sound nutrition and plenty of food for repair will hinder muscle growth.


  •  If you’re in a surplus aim between 300 and 500 calories. In terms of macros, protein would stay very similar if not slightly higher than when you are trying to lose weight. Carbs and fats you can play with and see how your body reacts. I tend to increase more carbs than fats as foods I enjoy come from this source AND carbs have been shown to have an anabolic effect. Again even in a gaining phase try to eat majority nutritious foods but don’t be restrictive.  


  • Supplement with creatine. This supplement holds up well. It will support your muscle gain goals (favours muscle protein synthesis which helps muscle grow) New research shows the loading phase is not necessarily needed. Buy from a reputable company.


  • Make sure you are measuring yourself and the reaction to the amount of calories you are eating. Work out your body fat and lean mass to see how much muscle you are gaining in comparison to fat. 1lb gain per week overall is a good indicator for males and half that for females.


  • Finally As a beginner you will see gains faster than usual but understand after this it will take time. Take it slow!

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Training Beginners muscle gain guide: Feature
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